
How To Get Ebony Mail Skyrim

Daedric quests in Skyrim offer some of the strongest items in the game. Some Daedric Princes will grant powerful weapons. Some artifacts offer invaluable utility items. In Boethiah's case, she offers a chest piece that nearly every stealth character will want.

Known as the Ebony Mail, this armor piece cloaks the user in shadow while poisoning nearby targets. This relatively light piece of heavy armor is excellent for keeping stealth characters alive during challenging group engagements. To earn this armor piece, you will first need to complete a quest called "Boethiah's Calling." Here is a complete guide on how to earn Boethiah's favor and earn this exotic piece of armor.

How To Start The Quest

Certain Boethiah followers and books will dot Skyrim's landscape once you reach level 30. To start Boethiah's Calling, you either need to find and readBoethiah's Proving or find the Sacellum of Boethiah.Boethiah's Provingspawns on dead Boethiah followers and in certain dungeons.

Suppose you want to skip the book and find the shrine yourself, head east of Kynesgrove until you reach Traitor's Post. Take the right fork on the nearby road to reach the shrine. Visiting this location while you're under level 30 will not start the quest.

Kill In Boethiah's Name

Cultists will surround Boethiah's statue when you approach. Talk to the priestess to start the first quest objective. She will inform you that Boethiah demands a sacrifice. The priest will give you the Blade of Sacrifice and ask you to kill someone you trust.

There are two ways to proceed:

  1. Lure a non-essential follower to the Sacellum of Boethiah. Order them to interact with the Pillar of Sacrifice, then kill them.
  2. Kill every Boethiah cultist at the shrine.

Sacrificing A Companion

Any non-essential companion will work for this step. If you don't wish to kill a Housecarl or useful companion, purchase a mercenary from any major inn. Jenassa from the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun is typically used as tribute. Hire a mercenary, then take them to Boethiah's shrine. Despite what the priestess says, you do not need to kill your companion with the Blade of Sacrifice to complete this step.

Killing The Cultists

Killing every cultist at the Sacellum of Boethiah also works. These cultists can put up quite the fight if you're undergeared, so be sure to bring upgraded weapons and armor before attempting this. Area of effect spells and Shouts do wonders here.

Speak To Boethiah

Whether you killed every cultist or sacrificed a follower, Boethiah will begin to speak through a corpse. If you killed a companion, Boethiah will state that she has a task for whoever is left standing. This will cause all cultists to become hostile and attack each other. Kill the cultists to proceed.

Once the cultists are dealt with, Boethiah will offer to make you her champion under one condition: her old champion must die. Boethiah will direct you to Knifepoint Ridge, a fortified bandit camp northwest of Falkreath. She wants you to kill them stealthily. Should you kill her champion and take his Ebony Mail, Boethiah will crown you as her new champion. Travel to Knifepoint Ridge to take the bandits out.

Kill The Bandits In Knifepoint Ridge

Despite what Boethiah requested, you do not need to use stealth in this dungeon. She will chastise you for using brute force, but this has no impact on the quest. There are two sections to Knifepoint: an exterior bandit camp and an interior mine. Boethiah's Champion can be found in the mine.

Most of this dungeon is linear. Use the shadows, flammable traps, or use sheer aggression to take down the bandits. Once you reach the lowest section of the mine, you will enter a room with the Champion of Boethiah along with a few bandit guards. The champion is the only enemy that needs to die, although killing him will usually alert the other bandits.

If you can calm the champion, he will have a few lines of dialogue explaining his change in attitude. In essence, he became tired of killing for the sake of a Daedra's entertainment. He is content with dying by your hand.

Killing the champion up-close is somewhat challenging due to the Ebony Mail's enchantment. Using ranged weapons or spells to damage the champion is a good idea. Once you take his life, equip the Ebony Mail chest plate on his corpse to end the quest. As a reward for besting Boethiah's champion, she will allow you to keep the Ebony Mail for yourself.

Quest Reward

Regardless of how you complete this quest, Boethiah will always give you the Ebony Mail as a quest reward. This Daedric Artifact is a heavy armor chest plate that acts as a stealth item.

Crouching with this chest plate with cloak your character in shadow. The chest plate also has the muffle enchantment, the only non-boot item in Skyrim to have this effect. Additionally, any foe that gets near you takes five points of poison damage per second. Enemies that are usually immune to poison will take damage from this effect. This includes vampires, Dwemer automatons, and even draugr.

The armor does come with a few quirks:

  1. Ebony Mail's poison enchantment will escalate brawls, turning every nearby NPC hostile.
  2. The poison aura works while underwater, allowing you to kill fish while swimming.
  3. Wearing additional pieces of Ebony gear makes the Ebony Mail's smoke effect stronger. This effect can obscure your first-person view.
  4. The armor's smoke effect only activates when nearby enemies become hostile.

Ebony Mail is best suited for ranged stealth characters. Melee stealth characters will get frustrated with the poison damage constantly alerting enemies. If you have a high Sneak skill, this stops becoming an issue. For ranged characters, the poison damage can be convenient when multiple enemies close the gap. Ultimately, this item excels at giving players enhanced stealth mechanics while buffing their armor rating. If you love heavy armor and stealth, the Ebony Mail is an item you'll want to own.

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About The Author

Charles Burgar (804 Articles Published)

Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. Graduating from Pikes Peak Community College in 2018 with an Associate of Science, Charles has spent his time dissecting popular video games, movies, and technology. With an understanding of games for as long as he can remember, Charles has a large interest in understanding what makes things fun. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant.

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How To Get Ebony Mail Skyrim


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